High Park Toronto Comments & Discussion Board

The High Park forum is a place where you can post and answer questions and share your experiences about the time you've spent at Toronto's largest public park.

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theft, vehicle damage , March 16, 2025 , posted by kath , artsmind1@gmail.com

Be careful when parking vehicles near/in the park. Consider open visible areas and not living possessions in view. On March 15th a vehicle parked on Wendigo had it's back window smashed and items had been and containers scattered. It seemed like it occured before 1:00 pm. with scatterings around the vehicle. I have also noticed a man who seemed to be 'casing' one or more of the houses on Wendigo from behind a vehicle a few months back and reported the info, and description to police. In years past, there had been regular window smashing at certain times of day.

Parking family day, February 17, 2025 , posted by Sarah McLaughlin , smmclaughlin29@gmail.com

Which parking lots are open in high park on family day?

Female's Wallet found, January 27, 2025 , posted by Christopher Banigan , cbanigan@gmail.com

Wallet found in High Park Jan 26th. Please email if you wish to claim it and can provide identification, I have a partial name to verify it's yours.

found airpods, December 20, 2024 , posted by Aubrey , aubreynealon@gmail.com

I found some airpods in the park today, December 20, 2024. Email me with description/location and we can arrange to get them back to you.

Sick Coyote around the zoo, December 2, 2024 , posted by James Beaton , james.beaton@gmail.com

I want to share some information about a coyote with mange. Lately there is a coyote with mange spotted around the park. Yesterday they came into the zoo parking lot at about 10am. They then went behind the fence in behind the enclosures. Today they were seen along Deer Pen Road and around the office. I have reported to Toronto Wildlife Centre and they would like to receive reports whenever it is spotted as they are interested in trying to help him or her. If you could share the word and be on the lookout that would be helpful to the coyote. Chances are good it could be spotted around the zoo fairly regularly. Submitting when you see it (even if you submit more than once) can help TWC track the coyote.

You can use this form to submit reports.


Also, this form would be useful for reporting any sightings you may have. The coyote is out a lot during the day since it is warmer than the night.

Thank you so much!

application for reporting the loss, November 6, 2024 , posted by Cuiping , 1106280180@qq.com

Dear park management officer

I lost my camera in the high park at about 4:30 p.m. on November 4th (The location is shown in picture 1.). I forgot my camera on the railing on the roadside (the railing on the right side of picture2), and it was gone when I came back half an hour later.

The model of the camera is Canon 500D (picture3), the lens is a 55-250 telephoto lens, and there is a very special deer-headed velvet cover on the outside (picture 4). There are more than 1,000 photos of Canada's autumn scenery in it.

I like this camera and the photos inside very much. If any kind citizens pick it up and send it to the highpark management office or the police station, please notify my email address 1106280180@qq.com. Thank you very much!

Bikes in High Park, October 26, 2024 , posted by Nancy , nearbynlg@gmail.com

Good Morning
I have been wanting to ask this question
On my most recent visit to High Park, I was walking along a sidewalk. The bikers were absolutely “flying” past me. One could hear the sound of their speed. And often more than 1 at a time, close together.!!!
It would be
dangerous, lethal, to try to cross the road as they flew by. Single or in numbers.
So, like many people, I don’t go anymore.
A park meant for people to enjoy, to stroll… whose car speed was 20 km/hr, which was in my previously more frequent experience, obeyed. Peaceful traffic for the most part.

Why now are bikers allowed to SPEED through this community PARK…the park for the people, endangering the lives of those just wanting to enjoy the park.

As opposed to those seeking the freedom and thrill of speeding along a path cleared for those few, likely rich, bikers. There is alot of room at the waterfront. Room for bikers and pedestrians.
Why are there absolutely no speed restrictions for the bikers?
Bikes, are still a type of vehicle, that could potentially really hurt someone at those speeds.
This is disgraceful; and shame on those decision makers who allowed it to happen.
I am not against bikers….but they now rule the roads in High Park. How the heck did that happen!
Doesn’t anyone care anymore about doing the right thing?

Capybaras, October 23, 2024 , posted by Angel McLeod , angel.c.mcleod@gmail.com

If I can have someone cobract me regarding a private tour. I would offer a generous donation for this,as I have an out of town guest that would love to spend some time with the capybaras, if possible. It would be a dream come true for him. If someone can please contact me and let me know if this is a possibility.
Thank you so much

Cars in the park, October 13, 2024 , posted by Rose Robertdon , rose.robertson@sympatico.ca

Since cars were banned from High Park on weekends, and 60% of parking spaces were closed off, the park has been become inaccessible to many former visitors to this expansive park. You can no longer get to many of its attractions such as the zoo, Nature Centre and picnic areas unless you are young, able bodied and have the time to spare for this additional hurdle.

The visitors who no longer have access to the park include families with small children unable to lug their picnic supplies, and large group bookings including different generations of people and all their refreshments. It is also a hardship for sports teams carrying all their equipment. Seniors and the disabled no longer can get into the park to enjoy nature and maybe a coffee at Grenadier Cafe. Children and families accessing the Nature Centre's many nature programs can no longer get there without hardship.

These former visitors have been replaced by the eager cyclists who speed around the West Rd. loop at 40km/h, ignoring all traffic signs and crosswalks. Several children have recently been hit by bikes, many others threatened, including families cycling with small kids. There is no police presence in the park to monitor bike speeds.

The park has now become very dysfunctional and has drastically lost attendance due to the banning of cars on weekends, to be following by full week bans in the near future.

Whose idea was this? The park is being destroyed as a destination for all. Can Toronto waste 400 acres of prime green space to give speed bikes a velodrome to zoom around?

Tents in the Park, October 9, 2024 , posted by Bryan Bultz , bbultz@gmail.com

Can you please remove the tents that have been going up in high park since July. The same tent has now expanded to a 3 bedroom apartment with 2 more tents set up. It is not acceptable and illegal. Please remove them it is not safe and it is become sightly and dangerous

Lost and found , September 24, 2024 , posted by Kristin , k_sztuka@hotmail.com

Hello, wondering if the park has a lost and found. My son’s water bottle was left at the soccer field this weekend, wondering where we can go look for it if it’s collected?
Thanks in advance!

Bikes on Forest trails , September 17, 2024 , posted by Laura , laura.hagglund@gmail.com

What happened to all the No Biking on Unpaved trails signs? there are so many mountain bikers out here this year.
It's dangerous for both humans and dogs (especially if dogs are properly leashed) as well as the original reason of forest protection.?

High Park Safety, August 28, 2024 , posted by Danielle Barbeau , danielle.barbeau@gmail.com

Hello - curious if there is any CCTV in High Park? Today my friend and I were running around the main loop and a man approached us and started verbally harassing and threatening us and I would love to know if anything is caught on camera - as we would like to make the community aware of this man.


Tennis, August 24, 2024 , posted by Henrique , hgcoe@hotmail.com

I am 38 years old, and I have just resumed playing tennis after 23 years. My level is beginner. I'd like to keep playing. How does it work for a non-member rent a tennis court at High Park? How much is it?
Thank you.

High Park Washrooms, August 16, 2024 , posted by Rachel Stewart , fuzzybabies@hotmail.com

Hi there, I’ve noticed that many of the public washrooms in the park are still locked at 10:00am some days. Not sure what time they’re supposed to be open, but 10am seems very late for park users who are there early walking their dogs, jogging etc. it would great if the washrooms were available to the public at a consistent time and a bit earlier.

Restrooms, August 14, 2024 , posted by Laura , yu130994@hotmail.com

We visited the park with my son yesterday. It is beautifully groomed and the zoo is well maintained. However, I used the porta potty and it was filthy. I thought maybe it came with the territory so I had my son use the bathroom in the restaurant, only to find it too was as dirty (maybe more) as the porta potty. It has left an unpleasant memory and contrasts sharply against the beauty of the park. How often do the restrooms get cleaned? It wasn’t a particularly busy Tuesday afternoon.

cars, August 7, 2024 , posted by Helen Hansen , hihelen30@hotmail.com

I'm always annoyed when I read about park users wanting to come by car. See letter to Tor Star today August 7 - Cars in park a matter of fairness. The writer claims that it's unfair to oldies to restrict cars. I'm old and have a fond memory of High Park in 1954 as a walker and a birder. I was on a nature walk conducted by Toronto Field Naturalists and met my husband-to-be, who lent me his binoculars! We were happily married for 55 years, living in Toronto, Brampton and Guelph.
Keep cars out of High Park

Bicycles killing chipmunks , August 4, 2024 , posted by Miro Pendev , miro.pendev@gmail.com

It is now many times I see chipmunks killed by cyclists in the lower area - down from the cherries - by the pond. Few days ago I found a chipmunk that was just hit by a guy speeding on a bicycle there. This is a horror!

Please add speed bumps or big slow down signs or just start giving tickets to speeders there - there are ducklings, chipmunks and turtles, and people walking. Bicyclists would even arrogantly scream at you if you don't move on time. This is a walking park area not cyclists race track, what the hell! Killing the very things we go to the park to see!!!

Bikers, July 30, 2024 , posted by Stephanie , stephanie_colmenares@hotmail.com

Hi just had a bad experience parking in the limited parking next to the tennis courts. Verbal abuse and harassment by bikers. Maybe some messaging around park that verbal abuse or harassment by anyone including bikers towards drivers will not be tolerated.

posters in the park, July 13, 2024 , posted by CATHY ADORIAN , catad0204@gmail.com

Do people need your authorization to put posters all over the park ?
Right now the park is littered with controversial posters that
distract from a quiet walk.

AED, July 12, 2024 , posted by Howard , Gaskinhoward@gmail.com

Is there an automated external defibrillator (AED) anywhere in High Park?

High park train , July 7, 2024 , posted by David Smith , davidrsmith@rogers.com

The train that runs in the park appears to be powered by a diesel tractor. I bike and walk in the park daily and find I'm breathing diesel fumes whenever the train is nearby. Today it was passing grenadier pond and I could smell the thing at the top of the metal stairs on Colborne Lodge. It cannot be healthy for the driver, passengers or anyone nearby. Is there any plan to replace it with something electric or at least cleaner?

High park, July 7, 2024 , posted by JOHN Vinstein , Vainjohnk@gmail.com

Is the train operating in high park. I have mobility issues & cannot walk to the restaurant.

hawks in high park, July 4, 2024 , posted by james , jclifford3691@gmail.com

I'm not sure if you're aware of it or not, but there seems to be a family of hawks in high park. Their nest must be just south of The Grenadier Cafe where the trail winds down past the cherry blossom trees towards Hillside Gardens. I've seen them there twice (in that same general area) in the last week; the second time I saw one going after a squirrel. Thanks

Homeless camp, July 4, 2024 , posted by Kelly

Hi there. There is a homeless person with a yellow tent and encampment squatting in the forest area across from the off leash dog park. It's where there are all those bird feeders and figurines. The day care kids would go there and leave little notes. He's been there for awhile now

Waterfall, July 3, 2024 , posted by Trevor Cripps , theoddityworks@gmail.com

I been to the park in many years when I found the time to go to the park, I found the wonderful waterfall that I had love for so many years dried up and overgrown. What a shame. Why haven’t you fix this wonderful Hyde Park icon? It would not cost very much to get it up and running again.

Tennis court, July 3, 2024 , posted by Elsie , Elsieperioris@outlook.com


Can tennis courts be reserved? Are there pickle ball courts also available?


High Park Labyrinth vandalism/ cleanup, June 20, 2024 , posted by Shawna Yeung , shawna.yeung1@gmail.com

There is a large wooden flat which is partly burnt, in teh centre of the labyrinth. Surrounded by eggshells and garbage, and other wood for burning. It is too large for us to remove as individuals and we are concerned others may start another fire.

Where is the Chinese Gardens in High Park?, June 13, 2024 , posted by Erika , esooul02@gmail.com

Hellos! I saw in a website description that there are Chinese gardens in High Park, but they’re not on the map or on Google. Just curious where they are!

Dogs , June 8, 2024 , posted by Dmitri , dmitrifedosseev@gmail.com

Why are pitbull dogs in the park in the off leash areas? One came after my dog.

High Park, June 4, 2024 , posted by Codie Morehead , Codiemorehead95@gmail.com

I was just wondering if there plans to have the fountains turned back on at Casa Loma?

Rock Hazard, May 23, 2024 , posted by Mary Jo Pollak , mjpollak16@gmail.com

I am still recovering from a fall I had in High Park on Sunday. On the way out of the Zoo I was enjoying looking at the birds and tree when I tripped over a low rock that protrudes out on the sidewalk. Just wondering who's idea it was to place this rock there. It is completely unexpected on an otherwise wide and unobstructed walkway. I see more accidents in the future.

Parking, May 8, 2024 , posted by William Vu , Williamvu153@gmail.com

I was just wondering if there is free parking at the park on Friday May 10?

Dead fish, May 6, 2024 , posted by Shawnee , Shawnee@live.ca

Dead fish along the pond and lethargic ducks

So sad

Coming to people for hand outs

re: Paid parking outside the park, May 6, 2024

Is there a paid parking outside the high park?
There is some parking on Bloor Street but it's hard to find a spot and there are of course all the side streets where parking is free but they also fill out quickly. In my experience over the years of going to High Park by car (subway isn't realistic coming from Oakville) I park two or three streets further away than most people (you'll know exactly when you've hit that line as there will actually be spots on the streets) and walk 15minutes to the park. It's a nice neighbourhood for walking, I get free parking and don't worry at all about congestion, etc.

Off leash dog oark, May 6, 2024 , posted by Patricia , patriciahood011@outlook.com

When will the water be turned on for dogs in the off leash area

Parking , May 4, 2024 , posted by Omaid Akbary , omaidakbary@gmail.com

Is there a paid parking outside the high park?

Dead white fishes, May 1, 2024 , posted by Chiora Taktakishvili , ctaktakishvili@gmail.com

We found more then a dozen of dead white fish in the lake. Towards the southern parking area. Please check.

Cars in high park, May 1, 2024 , posted by Ariel , arj7000@hotmail.com

When will high park be open to cars again post cherry blossoms?

Train, April 29, 2024 , posted by Marion Haugen , mhaugen@rogers.com

Hi. I was very disappointed in the train. I was under the impression that it would take us all around the park to view the cherry blossoms. Not so. It took us up a short hill and dropped us off. Cost $5 for seniors and $7 for adults. I felt that was costly.
Also I have mobility problems and the step on to the train was very high. My niece had to lift me on to the train. It would have been helpful if the driver had provided a step stool to help. I would imagine that most if the people using this train would be handicapped in some way. However with the height of the step it makes it almost impossible for them to use it. I use a rollator and could have walked up the hill if I had known the train was not going to take us around the park. Also we were only able to see half of the blossoms on the path as the hills were very steep. I live in Toronto but I had family here from Alberta. They did enjoy the cherry blossoms but the obstacles put a damper on the day.i think when you are advertising the cherry blossoms the above should be mentioned. Thank you for your attention to these issues.

drones, April 28, 2024 , posted by JC , jiggycardinal@hotmail.com

Drones is High Park as people are enjoying nature seems intrusive.
Is there anything we can do so we are not watched as we enjoy the park?
I've have 4 encounters so far.

Lost and found, April 26, 2024 , posted by elli hingert , ehingert@gmail.com

On Wed Apr 24, while visiting Toronto, I was enjoying the cherry blossoms on a hill near Grenadier pond, I lost my prescription glasses. Small, round wire frames with progressive lenses. I wonder if there is a lost and found or if anyone may have turned them in

Concern with the sercurity company, April 22, 2024 , posted by Ho Lee , hjoshualee@protonmail.com

I was at the High Park on April 13th.
I called the 911 because of the possible gas leak at a building by the north entrance. I was told by the dispatcher to lead the fire truck in from the entrance.
There was a security car and a guard blocking one of the two lanes. The lane that was blocked was the path toward the building with the gas leak.
As the fire truck was approaching, I told the security guard to open the gate and move the car.
The guard did not seemed to have understood anything I said and stood still while the fire engine was immediately behind me.
The fire truck ended up having to go around using the other open lane. The second and third fire trucks came in sequence few minutes apart. Yet the guard had no understanding of the situation what so ever and still proceeded to not open the gate.
It turned out HAZMAT unit was called into the building to remedy the situation.
I am deeply concerned about the security company the High Park has hired as they do not even know how to work with the first responder and just act as a barrier to emergency situation. This could have ended up being another major fire like the one happened on the Island recently.

Please review the security company you use and check the ability of the guards to have situational awareness.

Elderly or disabled people, April 21, 2024 , posted by Janet Swoger-Ruston , jswogerruston@gmail.com

With the changes to parking and driving in the park, how do people who are physically impaired get an opportunity to see the cherry blossoms, if they can’t get close? Are there special passes to be able to get in and park them closer to the site?

Easter monday, April 1, 2024 , posted by Susan Hitchens , susan.hitchens@rogers.com

Is high park open to cars and parking on Easter Monday? It is considered a “holiday” for some but not others

Baby sheep has been born, March 18, 2024 , posted by Lindsay

There was a baby lamb born over the weekend. Hope it’s doing okay. Would love to read about updates if that’s possible thanks

Garlic Mustard , March 14, 2024 , posted by Chris Atell , christinatelll@gmail.com

Hi there,

Just wondering what steps are being taken in the park to deal with all the garlic mustard that has moved into the park. I know its a tough species to eradicate but it is highly invasive and I have noticed that it has been replacing native nettle patches :( Super heart breaking. I would be happy to volunteer to aid in the removal (and know many people that would join) if that's something that's available.

Would really love to know what the current strategy is for this problem.

Thanks in advance,

Chris (she/they)

Facebook page, February 9, 2024 , posted by Admin

No, this website doesn't have a Facebook page as suggested by someone commenting earlier.

Grenadier Pond_skating, February 8, 2024 , posted by Lenka Holubec , lenkaholubec@gmail.com

Just found https://www.facebook.com/pages/Grenadier%20Pond,%20High%20Park/111770185551229/ dedicated to Grenadier Pond. It look like this facebook connected to this website? If yes, please find a way to inform public about the rules in High Park and Grenadier Pond/Provincially Significant Wetland. When going over the entries, I noticed countless images images of people skating/walking on the pond. It is importnat people respect rules for their own safety and also to protect sensitive habitat and the species. Staying on trails and keeping dogs on leash is essential courtesy when in High Park, It is also a law! https://www.toronto.ca/explore-enjoy/recreation/skating-winter-sports/public-leisure-skating/#location=&lat=&lng=&zoom= Grenadier Pond and Other Open Bodies of Water

"Skating on lagoons, the inner harbour and other open bodies of water is not allowed. Temperature changes, salt run-off and other factors can make the ice dangerous."

Ermenian Renovation Advertising Signs along Parkside, February 3, 2024 , posted by Steven

I’m writing to lodge a complaint about the numerous private business renovation signs that have placed on the park’s east border along Parkside Drive. The signs are for “Ermenian” renovation services. I would imagine placing these signs on park property is illegal, but would also like to request that they be removed as they are an eye sore. Thank you

Trails blocked with freshly cut trees, February 3, 2024 , posted by Dom , dmselectricgta@gmail.com

We recently noticed many of the trails have been intentionally blocked with cut down trees and brush. What is the purported this?

Amphitheatre, January 14, 2024 , posted by Elaine , elainewelsher@gmail.com

Hello, I'm wondering if it's possible to rent out the amphitheatre in High Park? We'd love to have a small wedding ceremony in this space. Please let us know how we may go about this, if it's something we have to reserve, or if the space is open for use. Thank you!

tennis courts, January 3, 2024 , posted by christopher , cjmartin214@gmail.com

I found 3 tennis courts on google maps just north of the ice rink, but your site mentions 6, so where are the other 3 courts located? Thanks

tour buses in the park, November 20, 2023 , posted by Sharon , sharon.hainey@cifar.ca

Hello, I have a tour visiting the park (on a tour bus, not TTC) on Saturday Dec 2, 2023. The website says the park is closed to 'car' traffic on the weekend, however the tour faciltator is saying we are able to entre the park on a bus on the weekend. I can't find info on that online, so wanted to check with you. Please let me know. Thanks, Sharon

Fall leaves mowed, October 23, 2023 , posted by Krysta , masseyky@gmail.com

As a resident of the area and frequent visitor I was curious as to why you have chosen to mow down the Fall leaves in certain areas of the park that have fallen to the ground recently. I know you do necessary management of leaf fall but it seems a shame to those visiting the park to view the leaves to have the ones on the ground all chopped up by mowers. This past weekend while people were trying to enjoy the Fall foliage, loud, dusty lawnmowers were chopping up all the leaves on the ground. Couldn't that maintenance wait until November to allow people to enjoy? Wondering why the city has chosen to chop up the leaves at peak visiting times.

High Park Public Tennis courts, October 16, 2023 , posted by Andrew Stevenson , Andrew.Jos.Stevenson@gmail.com

Hi There,

I live near the High park and often play tennis at the public courts in High Park. I noticed the courts are in need of resurfacing as there are many cracks in the courts which makes the ball bounce funny. I’d ask to please have these resurfaced for next year. Some flood lights would also be nice to be able to play night tennis.


Cyclists, October 15, 2023 , posted by Rick Hannigan , rngh@me.com

I used to walk in the park 5 or 6 days a week. I don’t go anymore because it’s turned into a bike race track. I never had any problems when cars were going through but the bikes are dangerous to pedestrians. It also looks horrible now with all of the cones and lane markings. It looks like a temporary construction project that I suspect will become a permanent eyesore.

Even more dangerous, September 30, 2023 , posted by Bethany , lovebethany@gmail.com

I was so excited tp see how High Park changed with the reduction of car traffic. I had no idea the entire park would now be for "serious" cyclists. I'm in the park 5 days a week. I can't believe the reduction in number of pedestrians and casual cyclists I see. And I continue to have scary run ins with cyclists who refuse to follow the rules of the road due to "training". How could this happen. This project had so much potential, and it seems only a certain kind of person had an influence. Super disappointing.

Park is Inaccessible , September 11, 2023 , posted by Helen M

With young children and aging parents, we don't get to visit the park on the weekends anymore with the difficulties with parking nearby. The parking closest to the park is at capacity on the weekends. With strollers and elderly grandparents it's far to walk to several family resources of the park including the zoo and Jamie Bell. We miss High Park!

Tree trimming off leash atea, September 5, 2023 , posted by Pat , patriciahood011@outlook.com

Is there a reason why the trees and surrounding grass areas of the off-leash dog park area have not been maintained?

Cars/Cyclists , August 26, 2023 , posted by Steph

I am disappointed that cars are no longer allowed in the park but cyclists have free rein. I live across the street and am always a pedestrian walking through but have never once experienced an issue with a vehicle. I have however experienced several issues with bikers thinking they rule the streets and that everyone should step aside for them. I can’t count the amount of times my child has almost been run over while crossing (when we’ve had the right of way). If this is going to continue please put rules they must follow, and if they don’t, enforce consequences. It’s not right to feel more unsafe around a cyclist than a motor vehicle.

Stressful experiences, August 24, 2023 , posted by Trina , trinajosdal@gmail.com

My son was in soccer camp last week and when I went to pick him up, those fences were blocking all the parking and there were zero spots left. This forced me to circle the city, going all the way around to the new entrance to try again. I was then stressed out, trying to gauge whether there is time for me to park at the restaurant and walk down, or if I would be late to pick up my other son from a different camp, so I decided to “risk it” and try for a parking spot near the soccer field again. As a parent, it is proving much more difficult to access the park with kids.

I cannot see how these park changes are improving the way people move around the park. It is so much worse. Families with young kids and others who rely on cars to get them to park activities are suffering.

I only hope that the “powers at be” can see how these changes aren’t working and in fact are hurting the park’s accessibility, and change it back.

Accessibility , August 20, 2023 , posted by Aaron

I went to high park on the weekend. It was sunny. And the park was empty. I have been coming to this park my entire life and am disappointed by the new accessibility restrictions. This is killing the park because it is limiting the access to people who live close to the park and not those who live further away. I think these restrictions should be stopped and cars should be allowed in on the weekend. Maybe then the park would have more patrons.

Access to park, August 19, 2023 , posted by Joanne , princej@interlog.com

Hi HP,
If you are going to ban cars - a fee shuttle bus should be provided at the opening of the park so families do not have to lug, their kids, baskets, chairs and other items for miles and miles - you can't take away cars without giving other options of access.

ACCESSIBILITY, August 18, 2023 , posted by Edd , Dmug.edd@gmail.com

Hi, this will be my first time to visit High Park. Are motorized scooters for the physically disabled allowed to go around the park? Are there designated drop off and pick up points for WheelTrans?

Thank you in advance for your kind response.


Cars/Parking, August 17, 2023 , posted by Marta Pereira , marta.allyana@gmail.com

I have enrolled my son for 3 weeks camp with Toronto High Park Soccer Club, having the road closure during the week and closing parking as the week goes on has been a challenge to us.
Yesterday, a cyclist was blocking the only road that the cars can go into, complaining to the police that cars were parked illegally. If you are closing roads and fencing all parking spots, please don't give permits to these clubs. Traffic to drop off and pick up all these kids is insane, and the frustrations are just raising.

Access to High Park, August 11, 2023 , posted by Dawn , dawnsshadow@gmail.com

If you are concerned or affected by the closure of the park on weekends for car access, limiting people from getting to many areas of the park please sign the petition. Please note the full plan is to have it closed 7 days a week costing the taxpayers $15 million. Changes are already underway. Weekly access is already being reduced as well, roads reconfigured, and parking closed off.
Sign the petition https://www.change.org/p/high-park-access-for-all and if you are on Facebook join here for more updates including rallies to have your voice heard. https://www.facebook.com/groups/664523471901946

pedestrians , cyclists and cars, August 3, 2023 , posted by eric jakobson , metalroof@aol.com

pedestrians in the park are ok, cyclists in the park are ok , cars in the park are ok. The cyclists who use the park road as a racing track are NOT GOOD. They do not follow the speed limit posted or follow stop signs. Pedestrians are at risk because they (racing cyclists) do not slow down to let pedestrians cross the road. The study should be redone properly taking into account these cyclists as they are using the roadway. When driving in from Bloor St the roadwaytraveling south there ar no Stop signs until you reach the restaurant yet the racing cyclists traveling past the tennis courts north towards Bloor st have 2 Stop signs and DO NOT STOP and then abuse the cars for not stopping as they blast through

Vehicle Access , August 2, 2023 , posted by Charmaine Walker , charmlynne@hotmail.com

Hello. As a regular user of High Park (at least 4 days a week) and a person with mobility disability, I was truly disheartened to hear that vehicles will be further prohibited from the park. I rely on my car to get me into the park with my walker...allowing me to enjoy different parts of the park. It is a disgrace that these new measures do not provide accomodation for folks with disabilities.

photography, July 26, 2023 , posted by emma , emma@rinomato.com

Hello, we were wondering if we need a permit to take family photos in the park. It would just be a photographer and the families. please let me know. Thanks!

Accessibility, July 21, 2023 , posted by Mark Lewis , mark@moteyo.ca

My parents and a few friends are coming to the outdoor theatre on Saturday eve. My understanding is that there are NO cars allowed in the park on the weekends. The are in their 80's and a few use a walker.

What is the best way for them to get to the theatre? Is there a shuttle? Are taxi's allowed to drop them in the park near the theatre? As you can imagine the accessibility to the theatre is causing some stress for them.

If the answer is no to all the above where do you suggest they enter the park?


Credit Cards, July 18, 2023 , posted by Katie , katie.estabrooks@gmail.com

Do the vendors/restaurants in the park all accept credit cards? Is there a min order to use a card; can I buy a bottle of water on credit?

Rainbow flag in the ball and soccer field, June 29, 2023 , posted by Jane Bray

Hello. Just writing to say I was so impressed to see a rainbow flag flying in the ball field.
There are so many young kids and parents who use those fields and it sends a powerful and confirming message for all.

Lotus Flower, June 23, 2023 , posted by Jingle , jinglecn@hotmail.com

Do you have Lotus Flower in the Park? If yes, what is the best time to visit? Thanks!

Fountains, June 21, 2023 , posted by Caitlin , caitlin.c@skyship.tv

I'm wondering if there is a schedule for the beautiful fountains at Hillside Gardens. I'd like to make sure I visit at a time when they are on. Thank you!

Buck thorn, June 13, 2023 , posted by Jason , jasonrwhiting@yahoo.ca

I'm in the south east corner of the park where there's a ton of buck thorn growing. What's the high park policy on buck thorn?

Sakura Tree, June 8, 2023 , posted by Ricky , jitaricky@gmail.com

Hi, I am a true Sakura cherry tree lover. I am currently looking for one to plant in my backyard. But so far I haven't been able to find a nursery or farm that offers such trees. I wonder if you would be able to give me some directions to find one. And would like to learn more about taking care of them.

Thanks and regards,

Ducklings alone in a pond, June 5, 2023 , posted by Iris Gomez , irisegc@gmail.com

There's a flock of 6 ducklings alone, calling for their mom (but she seems to not be in the same pond) and I was wondering if there is anything to be done about it

Fishing lines , May 30, 2023 , posted by Shannon , Shanmul13@gmail.com


I come to read in highpark quite often as I am very lucky to live so close. But I am saddened to notice the amount of discarded fishing lines all over the place. This is such a danger to the local wildlife especially since it’s baby season. I do hope that we can clean up the water areas as well and maybe one day ban people from fishing here. Thank you I hope to get a reply. Have a great day

Parking, May 16, 2023 , posted by Carolyn , Carolynblack501@yahoo.ca

I heard that they are getting rid of cars in high park, so I am wondering how someone who is elderly [and has a handicap permit in their car) can attend Dream In High Park? Are they still allowed to park in the main lot in the park?
It is already difficult to find street parking near High Park at 9am on the weekends, I can only imagine how hard it will be if you want to attend an event later in the day.
Thank you,

Cherry blossoms now over:(, May 11, 2023

No more blossoms, my possoums

Will cherry blossoms still be there on May 13 and 14, May 8, 2023 , posted by Alexander Shvarts , alexander.shvarts@humber.ca

Will we still be able to see Cherry blossoms on May 13 and 14 or have they stopped blossoming?

Blossom , May 4, 2023 , posted by Behzad , brahdari@gmail.com

I was wondering if the blossoms are still available to see this weekend, May 7.

Park closures, April 28, 2023 , posted by Sonya

The park is closed to traffic on weekends, holidays, AND during cherry blossom time.

High park zoo hours, April 28, 2023 , posted by Sonya

The hours of the zoo are now 9am to 7pm (spring summer, fall) and 9am to 5pm in winter

Cherry blossoms - last weekend!, April 27, 2023 , posted by Admin

This is the last weekend with full bloom on April 29 and 30. If you haven't come out yet to see the cherry blossoms now is the time! Please don't damage the trees, don't take branches as souvenirs and don't climb the trees.

Cars in High Park, April 24, 2023 , posted by Tim Moody , tim@timmoody.com

The real problem with cars in High Park is the people who cut through the park to and from Bloor, driving above the speed limit. Close all the entrances except Bloor, and let people with small kids or others who need access drive in and park.

CHERRY BLOSSOM , April 21, 2023 , posted by Shiva , shiv_emirates@yahoo.com

We are visiting Canada now. Which is the best day to come to see the cherry blossoms inside the park? We want to plan accordingly

About cherry, April 21, 2023 , posted by Christine , Babyfishyuyu@yahoo.com.hk

I would like to ask whether I could see the cherry blossom at the end of week ? Or it is better to come next week?

re: Accessibility, April 20, 2023

There are multiple locations for the cherry blossoms, the one by the parking lot near the zoo entrance can easily be accessed with a walker, wheelchair, etc. The trees by the pond can still be accessed but you'll need to go around on a longer path that is not steep

Accessibility , April 16, 2023 , posted by Anonymous , cstrolight@gmail.com

What is accessibility like there if I use a walker / rollator? I want to go see the cherry blossoms! I don’t mind grass, but is it very steep? Are there stairs, etc… Thanks!

Handicap visitor , April 15, 2023 , posted by Gillian , gillianinuse@gmail.com

I want to view cherry blossom, but I am a handicap. I only can walk short distance. Do you have any advice for me?

Stargazing, April 13, 2023 , posted by Tarika , tarika.vn@gmail.com

Hi all,

I want to catch the Lyrid meteor shower and do some stargazing next weekend. I read that High park has some great spots to help spot meteor shower and constellations. Can anyone confirm this?


loss off old and young trees, April 12, 2023 , posted by susie marie , littlethunderstorm1961@gmail.com

since the 60s,i have walked the grounds of highpark,i know all the trees,now since the covid pandemic,so many thousands of new dog owners,the trees are being used for dog toilets, dog urine is destroying (killing) the old and new growth,such a shame,look for yourself,the bottom of the tree trunks ,are white buildup and decay rotting,can you imagine feeding dog urine to your plants,ive had many great pet dogs , but not now there is just to many dogs on this planet now

Lost Black Wallet , April 12, 2023 , posted by Ming S Zhang , ming.s.zhang@gmail.com

I am from New York and visiting Toronto on a family vacation. I lost my wallet at High Park today, April 12, 2023, at around 2-4 pm. I think my wallet fell out when I was looking after my 8-year-old son. My Driver's License, cash, and credit cards are all inside. We're deeply saddened by this and it is greatly impacting our family vacation. I'm praying a kind-hearted person would do what is right to return it. The wallet is very distinct as it is made with black stingrays and looks shiny - stingrays are commonly eaten in Asia as part of legal commerial fishing. Please do can contact me at ming.s.zhang@gmail.com if you find the wallet. Thank you and God bless you!

Access to High Park, April 12, 2023 , posted by Anne

Gord Perks wants High Park closed to car access permanently 7 days a week. Please sign the petition if you want your voice to be heard before it's too late.

Controlled burn, April 11, 2023 , posted by Raine , Rainemitchell@gmail.com

Hi just wondering if any one knows how the controlled burn affects the wildlife, it’s spring and a lot of babies in high park will they be harmed by all the smoke or fire? Thank you

Unleashed Dogs, April 10, 2023 , posted by Ana , ana_pnm@hotmail.com

Hi there, I love walking my baby and dog on the park, but it’s getting so difficult with all the unleashed dogs walking all over the park. I had other people coming to me feeling the same way. Are there any plans to stop this practice please?

Thank you,

Request for immediate removal of tent near The Grenadier Cafe & Cherry Blossom Hill, April 8, 2023 , posted by Matthew

Nobody should be allowed to tent anywhere within the perimeter of High Park.

Thank you,

"The Toronto Taxpayers"

Cherry blossoms and cars, April 7, 2023

Don't try to drive into the park during the cherry blossom blooming - it will be so full you'll just end up frustrated. And...it's likely the park will be closed for cars anyway...

Easter Monday, April 5, 2023 , posted by Peter

Is Easter Monday a public holiday for High Park, ie: are cars allowed to park inside the park?

Sakura Blossom Parking, April 5, 2023 , posted by alex , alex.chann@hotmail.com

Is parking and driving within the park allowed during sakura bloom period?

Easter egg hunt 2023, April 5, 2023 , posted by giah , giah4589@yahoo.com

Hi there! Just wondering if you will be hosting an easter egg hunt for this year 2023.
Thank you

Off Leash SIgnage, April 3, 2023 , posted by Rob , robcesta@gmail.com

I am writing today in regards to the off leash dog areas in High Park, in particular the signage.

It is abundantly clear through the interactions that I have had with individuals that in the Off Leash areas that the signage indicating where the off leash and on leash areas is vastly inadequate.

Whoever has chosen the current signage did not take into account that many individuals who use the park do not have a strong command of the English language and are not aware they are entering an off-leash dog area. Or, if they do have a strong command of the English language that they are not aware of the (inadequate) signs.

Please, you can have far better park experiences for so many more if signage was adequate.

I would suggest not painting on the pavement where the boundaries are, for one it gets worn off with use, especially after the winter, AND THEY ARE COVERED IN SNOW FOR MANY MONTHS OF THE YEAR!!! Are the people who are in charge of that not aware that we are in Canada and snow covers the ground for vast amounts of time.

What would truly help and be unmistakable are signs that are suspended over ALL of the off-leash park entrances and exits, along with other signage to remind individuals they are in an off-leash area. On the suspended signs large bold letters that state "OFF LEASH AREA" or something toward that effect, with clear pictorial diagrams of dogs off leash - this pictorial indication of the off-leash is needed for those who can not read, or can not read and/or understand English.

It is frustrating to see all of the poor interactions with individuals who are not aware of where they are, including the fear they have when encountering dogs (under control) in the off-leash areas.

High Park, you can do better.

Sharing Park Space, April 1, 2023 , posted by Lisa , lisadeannes@gmail.com

Hi! I've been leading free Forest Therapy Walks in the upper east side of the park (the oak savannah, and the treed area on the hills south of the savannah by spring road). This past Fall and Spring people of the walk are stepping in dog poop frequently. At the end of the guided walk, it is very difficult to find a place to spread a blanket to sit and chat without picking up dog poop beforehand. For clarity, this isn't in the lovely off-leash area. I'm sad because unless people don't let their dogs off leash in this area (and thus know when their dogs poop to pick it up), I'll have to find another place for Forest Therapy. So many people need this support for their mental health right now. Please consider how the park is shared and keep your wonderful dogs on leash unless in the off leash area so other people can enjoy the park in the many ways possible. All this said I don't feel hopeful this will change. From tired of cleaning up others dog poop and still regularly stepping in it.

Use of park for special events, April 1, 2023 , posted by Laura Turner , Turnerlaura222@gmail.com


It’s a sunny Saturday and I just returned from High Park after my morning exercise. It is almost 11:00am. There is a group of runners who are running through the park on the road and sidewalks. I watched someone clear the way on a sidewalk on a motorbike honking his horn so the pedestrians would get off the sidewalk for these runners. First of all I understand that the park can be used for OCCASIONAL events. Can we not have these events hosted on off time instead of main time? How about from 6:00 to 9:00 in the morning for a run?
That way when people are coming with their families and dogs, they can use the sidewalk safely. Also, I think we need to stipulate no motorbikes or events on the sidewalks, but keep them on the road.

Thank you

Cherry blossoms , March 31, 2023 , posted by George , Georgehaddad580@gmail.com

Hello High Park team,

I am just wondering when will the Cherry blossoms start to blossom this season? Has it already started? I am interested in visiting sometime soon and want to know the best time. Please let me know.

Thank you,


wood ducks, March 30, 2023 , posted by Cindy Denstedt , cdenstedt@rogers.com

Living in London
Wondering if you can share if the wood ducks are back in High Park., so we can make a drive to see them

Car parking in high park, March 28, 2023 , posted by Irene Hallford , irenehallford@bell.net

Are cars allowed in High Park on Sat April 15, 2023? Is there parking allowed in the park? My family and I would like to go to High Park on Saturday April 15, 2023, We are coming from Oakville and need to know if cars are allowed. My husband has a bad hip(waiting for hip surgery and cannot walk to the Grenadier Restaurant where my family wanted to have dinner.Thank you Irene Hallord

car ban, March 24, 2023 , posted by John Friesen , jfriesen11@hotmail.com

My published Letter to the Editor - Toronto Star - Feb 19, 2023
Many senior citizens and others who are mobility disadvantaged have serious concerns about possible plans for excessive car prohibition in Toronto’s High Park. Already vehicles are prohibited on weekends. For some this may well be a positive thing. However, for many it is a severe limitation. I remember seeing how immigrant families would enjoy having large, extended family picnics in High Park. When car entry into the park on weekends was prohibited a couple of years ago such picnics were no longer possible. Many senior citizens have mobility disadvantages and are unable to hike hundreds of yards into the park. For nearly forty years my wife and I have been weekly visitors to High Park and the café, often on weekends. And now those weekend visits are no longer possible. Now we can drive in only on a weekday. No longer can we join younger friends, including our children and grandchildren in the park on weekends, when they are available. And now there are discussions about prohibiting our visits to the park even on weekdays!
Many of us are finding it difficult to understand this unnecessary discrimination against the elderly. The Grenadier Cafe, with it’s friendly, relaxed and club-like atmosphere is largely frequented (on weekdays) by senior citizens who enjoy a breakfast or brunch in the wonderful, natural park environment. And perhaps soon even this simple weekday pleasure is in danger of disappearing. How can this thoughtless discrimination be sanctioned, especially in these times when diversity, inclusion and tolerance are valued?
The wonderful, tax-supported gift for Toronto’s public should be enjoyed by all. I’m sure John Howard’s 1876 generous bequest of land for Toronto’s High Park was not meant for just some of the people, some of the time.

Too early for cherry blossoms in 2023?, March 2, 2023

Too early for cherry blossoms in 2023?

Off leash area, suspicious substance, February 21, 2023 , posted by Cathyann , cathyann.white@gmail.com

Two weeks ago, Toronto police attended the park and took samples of some blue liquid and kibble suspected to be poison. CTV and CBC news reported this substance was being taken to a lab for testing. What was the result of the testing? I understand some was discovered in a naturalized area and some was discovered in an off leash area. As a result, I am afraid to walk my dog

re: City of Toronto website?, February 14, 2023

@A Pompeo: This website is maintained independently and it is not affiliated in any way with the City of Toronto or other High Park related groups.

Access for disabled drivers, February 10, 2023 , posted by HC , hlcruz@gmail.com

Access to the park must be revised for ppl w/ mobility issues. A security agent should be manning entrances and allowing for drivers w/ accessibility permits. Further to this, what will happen should there be a medical emergency within the park, how will EMS/ambulances enter the park w/o a gate attendant?

Is this website run by the City of Toronto, January 27, 2023 , posted by A Pompeo , Alessandra.Pompeo@vaughan.ca

Hi there, wondering who this stie is managed by? Is it the City of Toronto?

Sycamore trees?, January 13, 2023 , posted by Carolyn Solby , carolynsolby@gmail.com

I took a photo of a lovely tall tree with "balls" hanging from the high branches. They looked like Christmas ornaments. When I google it, it seems like they are Sycamore trees. Is that correct, do we have Sycamore trees in High Park?

Park open every day?, January 11, 2023

is the park open year around or are the blackout periods for maintenance, events, etc?

Lost glasses Jan 2nd, January 2, 2023 , posted by C Wiseman , cstuartwiseman@gmail.com

I lost a pair of prescription glasses while biking this afternoon in the park (Jan 2). Brand name of frames: Salt. They are dark brown and olive green. Hoping someone has found them and sees this post. Grateful to get them back????

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